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Enzymes are biological giant molecules that help the organism in complex chemical reactions. They convert substances into other substances so that, for example, they can be digested. Enzymes are needed practically everywhere, because something happens constantly in our body and also in microorganisms and there is never a state of equilibrium.


Explanation for children:

The transformation of a sausage bread into a toilet visit does not happen by itself, but with the participation of many enzymes. They are little helpers who participate in almost all processes in our body. This starts already in the mouth, our saliva decomposes the food by enzymes into smaller components. So the whole thing goes on and on, from station to station and enzyme to enzyme, until the initial substrate has been processed as well as possible. In addition to digestion, enzymes are important for respiration and many other processes. They are needed practically everywhere, because something happens constantly in our body and also in microorganisms and there is never a state of equilibrium.