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Everyone has probably seen a mold fungus, most likely on old bread or in the bathroom. The spores of the fungus spread in the air and germinate particularly quickly in warm, humid and nutrient-rich places. Molds cannot be taken lightly, as they secrete toxic substances. The long-term effects of many of these substances have not yet been entirely clarified. The spores in particular are a major problem when it comes to elimination. Apart from these unpleasant types of mold, however, there are a large number of positive representatives. Some turn cheese into delicious mold cheese, others produce citric acid for us and the common antibiotic penicillin is also produced by a mold.


Explanation for children:

Unfortunately, mold fungus is often found on old bread, jam or in the bathroom, they like it warm and moist. Molds can be dangerous because their spores (just like the pollen of plants, which help them spread) fly around in the air and we inhale them. Some molds produce toxins that spread all over the food, for example in jam. But other moulds are very useful, they can be used to make antibiotics and other medicines or to produce citric acid.